Thursday 26 July 2012

Seedy Penpals

This post is a little unusual as it doesn't have anything to do with my garden

I have Joined a scheme which I think is going to be fun and may appeal to some of you. It is though, only open to people who live in the Uk and Europe.

The scheme is called Seedy Penpals and is based on a food scheme running in the USA. In a nutshell, it involves joining up and then twice a year, being matched with someone, who you send seeds to and in return they send some to you. I think it will be interesting for the garden as I know I have my favourites, but who is to say they are necessarily the best. 

The scheme is being run from this website Seedy Penpals so if you fancy it read the rules and join. 


  1. This is very similar to what Bloggers do isn't it. We see something someone else is growing that we like the look of a beg some seeds.

  2. I do like your background picture, what a wonderful growing space you have :) Joanna

    PS I have had approx ten goes at the captcha phrases, they are really hard to read and I am not a robot...

    1. I have changed it now, and I know you are definitely not a robot!!
