Monday 23 July 2012

Not much to report..

I have just noticed its been a week since my last blog. Very shoddy of me, but in reality there is very little to report from the garden. 

I have continued to  get lovely tomatoes from the greenhouse, but the outdoor ones are now all suffering from the same blight that finished off my potatoes. 

The lettuce are vanishing at a rapid rate and I have sown more seed to ensure we have a regular crop. 

The only new veg making it first appearance this week are my shallots. 

I planted them in the depth of last winter and they have steadily produced some lovely stalks. The rain though, did not do them any favours, they were looking very sad so finally this week, I gave up any hope that they would grow anymore and decided to dig them up. 

Once they were up, although not huge, they didn't look bad. 

Time for them to dry out. After about 4 hours, the greenhouse had a lovely sweet onion smell 

2 days later, this was the real test, how did they taste. 

The answer was, very nice. I am pleased with them and shall grow the same one next year. I think I have enough left to last a few weeks so we shall be enjoying them some more. 

Else where in the greenhouse, my chilli plants have finally flowered. 

I have 10 plants and they nearly all have flowers now, so Chilllis before long, I hope. And finally the purple sprouting broccoli is nearly ready to go outside. I have to make a space and will probably do that this week. 

Gibson has been sleeping in a crate since the day we bought him home, but as he is now 6 month old we have decided to see how he gets on without it. He seems to be enjoying his new freedom, and so are we. He is no longer crying at about 6am everyday because he is bored. Now he just gets up himself and plays with his toys until we get up. 

Have a great week. Its the New Forest Show this week, so we will be there all day Tuesday. I was going to enter some veg but have decided that unless they have the smallest veg section, I don't stand much chance. 


  1. But their huge veg may not be as tasty as yours. We've never tried over-wintering shallots although we do plant autumn onions. Our spring planted bulbs are just about ready for lifting.

  2. Perhaps you should make some shallot chutney and enter it into the show. I wish I was closer, I'd come down to the show for the day, it's going to be glorious weather!

    1. We will arrange for you to come and stay next year.. Dads here at the moment so no spare beds!!

  3. Looks like Gibson really enjoys his new bed. Not a care in the world.
