Sunday 29 July 2012

A Beautiful Week in the Forest

 Nothing like a bit of sunshine to make everything all right with the world, and this week we have certainly been blessed. Long hot sunny days which have brought the garden to life. 

We have had a busy week with lots going on but have still managed a bit of garden time. Plants that were previously just green leaves, are now bearing the beginnings of edible fruits.

The garden is looking glorious. I noticed, that one of my outdoor tomato plants finally had a ripe tomato. It was late in the evening and so decided to go back the next morning and get it. Then it would be nice and fresh to have in my lunch time sandwich. Best laid plans and all that. This is what I saw when I went back for it the next day. 

I can only assume my resident pidgeon had got to it before me. I am beginning to feel like a character in the Wacky Races cartoon, always humming "Stop that Pidgeon

Elsewhere everything is looking lovely. The companion planting I did around the leeks is very pretty. I have no idea if its working, but the leeks are very healthy, so who knows.

The greenhouse tomatos are now coming thick and fast

My chilli plant now has a tiny chilli growing on it, maybe next week I will be able to make my own pasta sauce with my stored shallots, greenhouse tomatoes and fresh chilli. Watch this space for pictures. 

The Butternut Squash is starting to hang out of the raised bed, but finally it has some flowers on it. 

And flowers are appearing everywhere. Cant believe its nearly August and they are only just showing themselves. 

I mentioned previously that we were going to the New Forest Show and it turned out to be a wonderful day. Very Hot. We made sure we got up early, and as the show-ground was only a 15 minute drive away we were there before 9am. No traffic and No mud. They must be congratulated for all the hard work done to ensure that the car parks were easily accessible . There was evidence all around of some major activity with newly laid gravel and sand entry roads. 

There was plenty to see and do and lots of amazing things to try. I made a point of visiting a company I am friends with on Twitter. They are the Hampshire Chutney Co and make the most delicious chutneys and sauces. We spent a Happy 15 minutes trying all sorts of wonderful things, and came away with a couple of jars of our favourites. Have a look at their website  and treat yourself to something wonderful. I can recommend Chilliriffic and Spicy Pear

Next stop was a very nice stall which had some lovely cane Trugs. Jim bought me one so I can carry my vegetable up the garden in style rather than in an old plastic tray!

And then we had a look at the animals and watched a couple of displays in the showring.

A brilliant day out, we are already making plans to go again next year. 

Gibson has had a great week as well. He got to spend the show day with his favourite dog sitter and then has been on a couple of trips out as well. We walked around the Keyhaven Nature reserve and he met some rather large animals. It didn't bother him, in fact he was very keen to say hello. 

After all the excitement it was time for a swim, I found a rather large stick and launched it out into the sea. I thought I had thrown it out too far, but it didnt seem to bother him, off he went paddling furiously, determined to get his stick back.. 


And then time for a quick pose for the camera!! 

Have a wonderful week, hope the sun continues to shine on us all . 


  1. There is nothing like carrying your bounty in a beautiful basket. I think it makes the vegetables extra special. Looks like you had a great time and I especially love this last picture of Gibson.

  2. Wow, love the flower photos, are you sure they were taken in your back garden and not at the show? :)
    Also think the trug is great improvement, really becoming part of The Good Life set now, book me in for next year's show please!

  3. Those tomatoes look great much further on than ours

  4. You are the "bomb" when it comes to gardening and what a beautiful place to live and call home!
