Thursday 18 February 2016

Seedballs on the Bank

Finally a beautiful sunny crisp clear and dry day has arrived. So I have taken the opportunity to sow my seedballs on the stream bank.  The tins are very pretty and each has 20 seedballs in them.

 I got four different varieties just to mix it up a bit. 

Each seedball contains seeds, a bit of compost and some chilli to stop them being eaten by various creepy crawlies and birds. 

 And then it was simply a matter of wading into the stream and dropping the balls into nooks and crannies on the bank. I know the poppies say to spread in the Autumn but I have taken a chance. 

And now I have to wait and see what happens. 

After my paddle in the water, I wandered down to the veg patch and did a bit of clearing up. Very rewarding it was too. 

The bulb cutting bed is doing very well, not long now and I will have daffs, tulips and narcissi in the house. 

I also found this lovely jolly little flower peaking out from under a clump of hesperus. I think its an Aster. 

So after all this activity, it was time to sit in the sun and enjoy a cup of tea.

 Perfect day in the garden. 


  1. Oh, thanks for the reminder. I must get my seedballs in to find them! (bought late last year)

  2. I hope they put on a good display for you! Was the stream bank in your own garden?

    1. Yes it is, runs along the entire boundary on one side

  3. I look forward to seeing how it goes, That little flower could be anemone blanda. I planted some last year and one at least is regrowing and has a flower.

  4. Looks like a beautiful Spring is in the making!!!
