Saturday 3 November 2012

A Bit of Down Time.

I have been left kicking my heels the last week or so, there is nothing much to do in the vegetable garden and its driving me mad. I want to be out growing things, and enjoying the garden, but its that time of year when all the summer stuff is gone and the winter stuff is perfectly happy and not needing any attention. 

There are plenty of leaves to clear up, but as the trees surrounding the patch still have leaves on them, I have decided to wait until they are all down so I only have to clear up once.

Today I did a very small bit of clearing up . The butternut squash plants were well and truly dead, making the remaining squash look a bit odd.. 

It didnt take long to cut them free

And 5 minutes with the hoe and that bit of the bed is ready for something new in the spring. 

I also cleared up the dead rhubarb and removed the remaining cosmos from the asparagus patch. 

And thats it. The grand total of a weeks gardening. 

We haven't even been on any of our outdoor adventures. Gibson was under vets orders to only walk short distance's on the lead. On Tuesday he was given the all clear, and so now we are planning to get out and about again next week. 

It hasn't stopped him spending time outdoors though. He had a nice morning in the garden with the hens today. They had some veg peelings, and after initially thinking he might try and steal a few, he gave up and sat in the sun whilst they finished their lunch! 

So thats it for outdoors. Inside more nice smelling and tasting things have been appearing in the kitchen. 

First I had to use up all those Green Alicante Tomatoes. A chutney was the obvious answer.

So it was prepared.


and put in a couple of jars. 

Don't worry I wont be sending it out a christmas presents.. I shall be enjoying it with my cold turkey.. 

And the final triumph in the kitchen this week.  Chelsea Buns

They were pretty tasty.. In fact that lot disappeared quickly and I have made them again since. The bathroom scales have started to groan when they see me approaching!! 

Anyway not a very long post but hopefully next week I will have more to tell you.. Off to a Bonfire and fireworks display now in Mudeford, A proper British celebration, not like Halloween. So have a great evening, we shall. 

1 comment:

  1. We've lots to do but the ground is just too wet and soggy!
