Sunday 7 October 2012

The Summerhouse is ready ( Just in time for Winter)

In my first catch up post, I alluded to the fact that we finally had the time to start making the summerhouse into a lovely garden room, rather than the extra space for garden storage, that it became over the summer.

We had always planned to use it as a nice place to sit with a good book ( Or in my case Kindle) and a cup or tea or something stronger. As the summer progressed our time was taken up with so many other things, it got a bit neglected and very full of all sorts of garden stuff. 

So a week or so before I went away, we finally had the time and the inclination to do something about it. I did my balancing act on the roof and painted that and Jim did the outside, so before I went away it was simply a matter of choosing a colour for the inside. 

I chose a very nice shade of White! and yes there are lots and lots of shades of white. 

So off I went and left Jim with the Jasmine White and a painting project. Little did I know as I sipped cocktails in Mexico that it was turning into a major job. The building arrived with a coat of preservative, that we were told would do for the summer but would have to be added to. Hence the painting Job. But as usual, it was that rather disgusting orange colour that most manufacturers of garden buildings, believe that we all love to have things painted. It was as orange as Katie Price's fake tan. 

So, as Jim painted layer after layer of Jasmine white, the orange kept seeping through. He tried Undercoats, Primers and anything else he could find and eventually after a solid 10 days of painting it was finally White. A rough count of layers yesterday came to 12 coats of paint. He deserves a medal for perseverance. 

I came home to a beautifully painted outdoor room. 

Gibson had to get in on the act as usual.. 

So now it was painted it was time to make it a nice place to sit. I showed you the jelly window stickers I got in Florida, and they looked good when they were finally on the windows. 

You can probably see in the background, he had also put up a nice track light. 

So now a few pictures. I put the plaque from Florida in prime position on the back wall, with two of Jim's very good beach pictures either side. 

I re-hung my sparkly thingies in the windows

And my bunting over the doors. 

The fridge went back in the corner, ( It needs something to cover it but I will make that on a rainy day) and an old mirror I got from my charity shop and repainted, went on the opposite wall. 

After a quick sweep the outside furniture, which sadly didnt get much use this year, went in. 

And then the cushions. 

and finally it was ready. (Well almost, a few bits more to tweak) 

We are both really pleased with how it turned out. I had my lunch sitting in the sunshine and spent a happy half hour reading as well, very indulgent.. 

Elsewhere in the garden, things are now coming to an end, but leaving me lots of seeds to collect and use again. 

I love antirrhinum and bought some seeds quite a few years ago on a visit to The Lost Gardens of Heligan . I have been using them ever since. As usual this year I had numerous beautiful plants and now they are producing literally thousands of seeds. 

I have cut loads more today to dry out so I think I will have the most I have ever collected. Not a bad investment £2.00 for years and years of beautiful plants. 

I noticed my Coriander had also gone to seed. The smell when I picked the seeds of was wonderful . 

Elsewhere, I have given my strawberries a trim. They have only just stopped producing fruits. 

and I finally picked my biggest Chilli's. We had them last night in a rather nice curry I made, to share with some friends. 

And finally, with a grant from Unesco, which allowed me to buy a ball of sting and two tent pegs, Drum roll Please......

I have saved the Leaning Tower of Barton. I know historians the world over will be as delighted as I am, that the eighth Wonder of the World remains intact. 

On that wonderful note, I am off for a well earned G&T 


  1. Keep up the blogs. They always make for a good read especially on your previously hidden talents? Cobbs.

  2. Your summerhouse looks great - seems much bigger than ours and a fridge!! We have has lots of use of it over 'summer'. Fortunately ours came in a tasteful green. Can you read the Kindle easily in sunshine as most screens tend to be difficult it highlight conditions?

  3. Wow! I just love your summerhouse. It is really lovely. I love the furniture you choose. Thanks a lot for the great share. Amazing! You garden still look amazing.

  4. Your little house looks so inviting. It looks like Gibson will enjoy it also.
