Friday 7 September 2012

More Strange Veg!

I think I could be likened to a bus. No blog for ages, then two come along at once. But suddenly, things are happening outdoors again. 

My Seedy Penpal veg has now reached a decent enough size to go out, so first to take up residence in a bed was the SIlver Chard. 

Now I must admit, I dont know why its called silver chard as it is quite clearly green, but I can only imagine it will change colour with time. I don't know how long it takes to grow or what sort of size it needs to be, so I plan a bit of research this evening.  I also have never cooked or eaten it but I will hopefully be able to find out how before its due to be picked.

So thats the Chard and the other colourful plant is the Cavalo Nero, Which I believe is a fancy name for Black Kale. 

This needed a cover as its a brassica, and  there are loads of white butterflies around at the moment. I have been fighting netting and enviromesh all summer and frankly, am a bit fed up with it. On a recent trip to the local farm supply store I spotted these.

Anything with "Easy" in the title will attract my attention, so it came out of the packet and was extremely simple to put up and place over the plants. 5 minutes instead of half an hour is always a winner with me.. 

Its a bit wonky but who care, if it works, I shall be back to buy a load more. 

So thats the colourful veg out, and now on to the strange stuff. I am sure you remember my rude carrot from the last blog, well now I have even ruder tomato's

What on earth made it grow like that? and its not the only one. On that limb of the vine there are three others with additional appendages.. This one dropped off when I moved the plant to take a picture, but the others are intact so it will be interesting to see them ripen. 

And finally today a strange egg. I had alien eggs last winter and now following on with my earlier Lilliputian carrot, I now am the proud owner of a very tiny egg!! 

I shall fry it for breakfast one day and take a picture.. its very sweet but too small to fit on the egg rack, it will just drop through!!

Well thats it for Vegetables. The flowers are still looking great and a busy bee was in the cosmos for ages. 

My ornamental bird thingy is looking great amongst the Dhalia's

And out and about walking in the New Forest we have seen some really nice animals roaming around.

And finally here he is going in the sea this morning for his daily dip, cresting the waves... all he needs now is a surf board and he could be on Britain's Got Talent!! 

I shall be enjoying the sunshine this weekend and planting my winter hanging baskets. 


  1. Lorraine, I am speechless about those tomatoes. Lol.

  2. Do you use any sort of slug defences Lorraine?
    As for vegetables they have a habit of growing into strange shapes. If you dare take a look at the photo of a parsnip that someone once sent to me. It's at the bottom of my webpage here
