Sunday 19 August 2012

A very normal week

They dont happen here very often but after all of the things that have been going on lately this has just been a very plain normal boring week.. The garden seems to have sensed that as well and has been doing its best to cause me problems. 

Firstly I mentioned last time that my tomatoes had blight but thought I had saved a few.. I was wrong. I went out one morning to discover that overnight they once again had got into a terrible state, so there was nothing else to do but dig them all up and get rid of them at the tip. It was quite heartbreaking. I had spent months looking after them and now they were gone. 

and now only an empty space where they used to be.. 

I did have a success this week, only a tiny one but it was very nice. I finally picked my first home grown chilli

and used it in a pasta sauce

It wasn't that hot but it was very nice. Will have to find a more fiery variety for next year.  My green peppers have also had a bit of a growth spurt this week.

I planted my Seedy Penpal seeds last week and they have grown surprisingly quickly. In a week everything I planted has sprouted. 

The dwarf beans are growing rapidly

and all the winter brassicas are coming on nicely. I should be able to plant them out by the end of the month. I certainly have plenty of space for them now. 

I need to check when I can start digging my leeks. Its probably not for a while yet but they are getting to be a decent size. 

And my sprout plants now have little sprouts forming on the stalks. Couldn't get a picture through the netting so they will have to wait to make an appearance on here. 

The butternut squash are getting big, but some have started to rot and others are escaping from the bed. 

I planted far too many lettuce, so the ones we haven't got around to eating yet are starting to look rather odd, in fact they are really only good for the compost bin, thats a job for later.. 

My the leaves on my rhubarb which is only in its first year, have started to die. Does anyone know if this is supposed to happen or am I going to have to try and sort that out?

The leaning tower of Barton is in danger of falling over now as the weight of the sweet peas on it is huge..

The flowers in the beds are looking very pretty though

Another question, should I cut back the asparagus ferns of just let them die? 

In case you are wondering, I also planted some Cosmos in that bed, Asparagus doesn't flower .. Or at least I don't think it does.. 

So outside of the garden, we have been canoeing on the Beaulieu River this week with New Forest Activities to which we have a family link. we had a lovely evening on the water with a nice pub dinner. Gibson enjoyed it as well.. 

And Friday evening we went down to the beach at Lepe Country Park and so that we could watch the fireworks for the end of Cowes week on the Isle of Wight. It seemed a bit rude not to barbecue a few sausages whilst we were waiting. 

Actually reading this back, it wasn't such a normal week after all... 


  1. Leave the asparagus, and don't worry about the rhubarb.. In fact if it is it's first year I wouldn't even pick any. I'd let it gather it's strength for next year.

  2. Asparagus does flower but the flowers are tiny and insignificant. If pollinated they produce red berries.

    We treat our leeks as a winter crop.

  3. Depending on how many leeks you have, just pick them as you want them. Baby leeks are lovely after all. :-)

  4. After all your hard work, Lorraine, it’s sad about your tomatoes being decimated by blight. But one nice little pepper yay! Small successes! I’ve never tried growing rhubarb or asparagus fern so not sure about them. Your flower beds are pretty. Like that picture of Gibson in the canoe!

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