Thursday 17 May 2012

The Leaning Tower of Barton!

I decided today to get a bit of height in the garden. From the house, you can just about see over the hedge that separates the lawn from the vegetable patch, but I thought if I get something growing up a pole I could see it easier. With that in mind a few weeks ago I planted peas and sweet peas. I decided it was still a tad early to risk my peas, which are one of my favourite summer crops, so went for the sweet peas first. 

I bought some supports a few weeks ago that you can attach to bamboo canes to make a tepee like frame for the plants to grow up. 

I clipped it together first before putting it in the bed, to make sure it was actually as easy as it looked. It was! 

I put it in the middle of my newly weeded bed and used garden wire to make rings around it for the plant to hang on too. Of course by the time I had finished with the  wire, I had managed to pull it out of shape and make it lean slightly. Oh well. I wasn't going to do it again, so the leaning tower of barton, sits proudly lop sided in place. It will shortly be joined by two more for the peas, I will have to make sure they all lean in the same direction!

The sweet peas came out from the greenhouse,

and were soon swaying gently in the breeze, in place, just waiting to grow another couple of inches, so they can attach themselves to the first ring of wire.

I shall look forward to being able to see them from the house. 

Across the path, I had a gap that I left for my butternut squash. I love them but Jim is not at all keen, so just 4 plants are going in to make sure I have some for my home made soups in the Autumn. The other two will find homes somewhere, I am sure. 

Elsewhere in the garden, we bought and erected the summer house some months ago and it has gradually filled up with garden furniture and Jim's telescope. Not really what I had planned for it, but a bit of re-organisation will sort that out. I have been looking for some pretty fabric to put up at a couple of the windows, but so far haven't seen anything that appeals. So on Monday I went to Christchurch with an old friend and wandered around the shops. One was a little goldmine and I quickly found some very jaunty bunting and a couple of pretty beaded hanging ropes which are now adorning the windows. Just what it needed and now I know they work, I shall pop back and get a few more. 

As the veg patch had a visitor at the weekend we wandered a bit further afield with Gibson . There are some beautiful seaside plants out at the moment.

With all the extra water running through the clay and sand , some amazing colours have appeared over the last few days, this is not trickery, the cliffs are really these colours at the moment. And Gibson is always happy to pose !

Finally we had his pet portrait done the other day before he gets too big.. 

Enjoy your weekend, hope the sun shines on you wherever you are.


  1. Keep up the good news.

  2. The sweet peas will cover up any leaning once they get going. We're hoping our summerhouse will arrive the week after next!

  3. An exciting time in the world, as things gear up in the garden. I have been spending much more time outside, and am busy transplanting all my seedlings as well!

  4. I take it you were talking about 'followers'? I get the too Lorraine, no comments or visits for ages. Anyway, your bunting looks good, all ready for the summer. Best wishes - David.

    1. I was indeed, need to work out how to turn off predictive text on this computer... your last entry was great , enjoyed the pictures.

  5. wasn't going to do it again, so the leaning tower of barton, sits proudly lop sided in place. It will shortly be joined by two more for the peas, I will have to make sure they all lean in the same direction!

    Plantsplus Garden Centres

  6. The bunting and hanging beads look fab! So pleased you bought 2 of them, they will look even better I'm sure when you get the voile. Wasn't sure whether the bunting was going inside the windows or outside under the canopy, love where you've put it.
    Love the bean pole, looks tricky to put together, when I tried something similar, more aesthetic than useful, I'd get one side even and the other side wonky, so straighten that up and the first side would wobble, so can relate to just leaving it as the 'leaning tower of Barton'!
    I will do the 'homework' you set me this afternoon, I promise!
    love to you and the boys x

  7. Nice garden and beautiful dog! :)
